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Statement of Faith

The Bible is God’s Word, completely reliable and the final authority for doctrine and practice.


There is One God, who eternally exists as three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


All of us are sinful by nature and by choice and are therefore eternally separated from God.


God the Son became man in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ. By His suffering and death on the cross as our substitute, Jesus took upon Himself the punishment deserved by all those who trust in Him. Personal faith in Jesus as our risen Savior is the only way to restore our broken relationship with God.​


The Holy Spirit lives and works in all believers as they yield their will to Him, transforming them into the likeness of Christ, producing love, joy, and peace in their lives.


Jesus will return to this earth personally, physically, and suddenly, bringing judgment to all who do not believe, but eternal joy in His presence to all who do.


The Church universal is composed of all who have placed their faith in Christ for salvation. The local church is one part of the whole. Together, they represent Christ’s body on earth.

Contact us

Phone -  413-458-5556​​

Email -

Sunday Services: 10:30—11:45 am

Sunday School: 9:15—10:15 am​

Church Office: 10:00 am—3:00 pm

Monday to Thursday

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